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Showing posts from 2011




The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice Hearing you speak my name Beckoning me to answer Telling me you want me So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us Tracing your shadowscape Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and All its divinity and I praise you Because all of that is for me I begin to indulge myself of your delicacies Digesting semi-sweet dark chocolate decadence as it melts Dripping down my chin Your taste is something that Godiva couldn't re-create Needing every atom of your anatomy Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciesness Subconsciously I find myself rewinding our love scenes In my daydreams Seeing that face you make when you're making me cum And it makes me want you right there and then Thinking of you in inappropriate places I get Tingling sensations i...
According to recent studies,blowjobs r the healthiest it cums with a sausage,2 nuts + a protein shot. stay healthy girls... suck a dick
I'm just sayin that it takes 42 muscels 2 frown, but only four to extend my middle finger and tell you to go fuck yourself
Good girls are made of sugar and spice, but ima bad biitch made of whipped cream and ice!

epic sex :

B.I.T.C.H. Babe In Total Control of Herself.. Hey to all you Bitch's.. You know who you are!! Love you all!

B.I.T.C.H. Babe In Total Control of Herself.. Hey to all you Bitch's.. You know who you are!! Love you all!


CHI ENERGY The word chi comes from China and writings around 500 BC link the word to breath and blood. There are now many interpretations and expressions of chi. The article below will give you a feel for what chi is. Chi is also known as Ki in Japan. Chi energy is a subtle electro magnetic energy that runs through everything we know. It carries information with it as it flows from one thing to another. The energy flowing through your body will predominantly carry your thoughts, feelings and emotions, but will mix with other energies around you. You could imagine it as an energy field that runs through you and around you – a bit like a magnetic field. All the time some of your energy is floating off, away from you, whilst you also draw in new energy from the ambient energy around you. This implies that the energy of some of your thoughts and emotions literally floats off into world around you. Somewhere out there will be the energy of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs float...

Life is Like

Forrest was right, Life is  like a box of chocolates:  You don't like the taste  of one, spit that bitch  out and pick another one!

Were did FUCK YOU come from?

Before the battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut of the middle finger of all captured English Soldiers. With out there middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future. The famous weapon was made of a native English Yew Tree, and the act of drawing the longbow was known as "plucking the yew" (or "pluck yew"). Much to the bewilderment of the French, the English won a major upset and began mocking the French by waving there middle fingers at the defeated French, "Saying see we can still pluck yew!" "Pluck Yew!" Since "pluck yew" is rather difficult to say, the difficult consonant cluster at the beginning has gradually changed to a labiodental fricative 'F'. and thus the words often used in conjunction with the one-finger-salute.

All you need is LoVe

    Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. There's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game It's easy. There's nothing you can make that can't be made. No one you can save that can't be saved. Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time - It's easy. All you need is love, all you need is love, All you need is love, love, love is all you need. Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love. All you need is love, all you need is love, All you need is love, love, love is all you need. There's nothing you can know that isn't known. Nothing you can see that isn't shown. Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be. It's easy. ...

On this day 7-16-1969 my birthday...

In 1969, the world was a different place. There was no Google yet. Or Yahoo. Or Newtab, for that matter. In 1969, the year of your birth, the top selling movie was Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. People buying the popcorn in the cinema lobby had glazing eyes when looking at the poster.  Remember, that was before there were DVDs. Heck, even before there was VHS. People were indeed watching movies in the cinema, and not downloading them online. Imagine the packed seats, the laughter, the excitement, the novelty. And mostly all of that without 3D computer effects. Do you know who won the Oscars that year? The academy award for the best movie went to Midnight Cowboy. The Oscar for best foreign movie that year went to Z. The top actor was John Wayne for his role as Marshal Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn in True Grit. The top actress was Maggie Smith for her role as Jean Brodie in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. The best director? John Schlesinger for Midnight Cowboy. ...

Can we kick it?

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now sounds a little better than, it's 1:15, I'm trashed & horny, can we kick it?

It's a "Beautiful Flip Flop" kind of day.

It's a "Beautiful Flip Flop" kind of day.  


If you'll be my soft and sweet I'll be your strong and steady You'll be my glass of wine I'll be your shot of whiskey You'll be my sunny day I'll be your shade tree You'll be my honeysuckle I'll be your honey bee           

Loven the Summer



 HaPpy 4th of July  FACEBOOK Friends! This nation  will remain   the land of the  free only so long as  it is  the home of the brave.                                                                                                    Freedom's natal day is here. Fire the guns and shout for freedom, See the flag above unfurled!                         Hail the stars and stripes forever, Dearest flag in all the world.  Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have. My patriotic  heart beats red,  white, a...